Public Transportation as a Public Good: Policy options for improving mobility and equity in Boston

Boston has seen significant economic and population growth in the early 21st century. Unfortunately, this growth has been accompanied by rising inequality and a lack of access to jobs, education, healthcare, and other vital resources for many Bostonians.

The COVID-19 pandemic has put a spotlight on the city’s challenges, including inequity in transportation, income, and affordable housing. But the recovery from the pandemic also presents a once-in-a-generation opportunity to rethink public services and reimagine the role that city government plays in creating a fairer and more just Boston.  

We conducted an analysis of public transportation in Boston that:

  • Summarizes the limitations created by our existing public transportation infrastructure and the service-delivery model of the MBTA

  • Assesses a range of alternative policy options

  • Presents recommendations for a set of changes that would improve access to transit across the city and connect underserved neighborhoods to resources in downtown Boston

Our recommendations include the expansion of reduced-fare and fare-free programs, the rapid creation of new dedicated bus lanes, and the addition of express bus service. We believe that this combination of approaches focused on improvements that fill existing gaps in service will increase equity and opportunity for all Bostonians.

We present these recommendations as practical tools for Acting Mayor of Boston Kim Janey and all of the 2021 Boston mayoral candidates to use as part of their transportation platforms and policies. Each of them has an opportunity to shape the future of Boston. Our goal is to help them reframe public transportation as a public good in order to disrupt the status quo and implement bold policy solutions.


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